FRB Contact Info!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012


Click the picture to pre-register!  (Tickets will go on sale 10/25!) 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

FRB//03 HALLOWEEN BASH! (This Saturday!!)

FRB//03 HALLOWEEN BASH!  (This Saturday!!)
Bring A Friend, Play Some Games, Drink Some Beer And Be A Monster!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

2012/09/08: FRB//02 Where Is Da Love Button?!

This is an official qualifier tournament for FRXVI in Atlanta. 
Date/日程: Saturday, September 8th 2012

Time/時間: 12:00pm - 11:00pm (15:00 - 23:00)

Fee/料金: (Entry, Pizza Time Buffet and Games)

Games: ★UMVC3, P4A & SCV (ALL XBOX 360)

¥3,000 = Guys

¥2,000 = Girls 

Venue/場所: Hobgoblin Akasaka

B1, Tamondo Building, 2-13-19 Akasaka

Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052, Japan.

〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2-13-19多聞堂ビルB1

Telephone: 03-6229-2636

Event Schedule:

★2012/08/28: Time Schedule Change - 開催時間・タイムテーブルを変更しました。★


12:00 - Open/Registration

13:00 - 15:00 Soul Calibur V

15:00 - 17:00 Persona 4 Arena

17:00 - 19:00 Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (64 Players Max!)

19:30 - 20:00 TOKYO PIZZA CLUB (Pizza Buffet Break)


21:00 - 23:00 Free Play Matches / Grudge Matches / Dessert Cups フリープレー野試合


Go here to Pre-Register for the Tournament:

Monday, July 23, 2012


O.K.  I'm awake now finally.  First off thanx for coming out for SUPER ARCADE @ Super Deluxe in Roppongi if you did.  If you didn't, there will be a next time.  The tournament, photo shoot and the video shoot went very well.  So expect another FRB event there in the near future.  

Special Thanks to Earl from Autmn Games (Skull Girls) for bringing the new patched version of Skull Girls to the event. That was a pretty sweet last minute surprise and a special thanks go out to Mike Z for contact us and getting this done.

Congratulations to the winners also and we will see you at SBO 2012!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


First off, I am still in America and I haven't had a proper sit down with the other members of Final Round Japan as of yet. The purpose of this post is to express my thoughts and concerns about this coming FINALROUNBATS season in Japan, the Fighting Game Community (World Wide) and Japanese Fighting Gaming Community who we cater to mainly.

Last year, we re-introduced our concept of a video game tournament within an social event named FINALROUNDBATS. Many steps were made in 2011-2012 to improve the overall Final Round experience in Japan such as a live stream, bigger locations, video promos via Studio Donbe, more games and gaming stations, more amenities and cross promoting with other non-gaming side events/after parties. Our goal was to send a few representatives to Final Round XV to compete in an American Major Gaming Event. We managed to send 6 players and 2 staff members to the event in total. It was a long road but we made it!!!

Our "FINALROUNDBATS TEAM JAPAN" won the Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Guilty Gear and Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3 tournaments. On the outside, the fact that we assembled a team of players from Japan to attend FRXV and then that same very team winning 3 tournaments at FRXV may seem like our biggest accomplishment and in a way it is. But I personally feel that the fact that we helped build a new and more internationally social gaming community in Japan is our most important accomplishment by far.

But where do we go now and how do we go about improving Final Round in Japan this year? This is the part where you get to chime in with your suggestions and questions such as:

What games will be played for this FRB season?
Where will 2012-2013 FRB be held?
How can I participate in FRB?
How can I help FRB?
How can I support FRB?
Where can I buy one of those snappy FRB T-shirts?
Will there be another FRB - "Where Is The Love Button?!" Event?
So on and so forth. . . So please take your time and hit me up if you wish to know anything or have a good idea share.

Now without looking into absolutely any of the FGC drama (Worldwide), I would like us all to move forward and focus more on the future of the FGC community worldwide. I am looking very forward to our next season and other gaming event as well but before I go any further and in closing. I would like to say thank you to all that supported FRXV, FINALROUNDBATS, FRB Team Japan and the FGC Worldwide.



Tuesday, January 31, 2012